Seneca 7, Cyberpunk Action RPG, Will Teach Players About Cryptocurrency and NFTs – Nerd Reactor

Cyberpunk is a sci-fi genre with influential films like Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell and games like Deus Ex. There’s something fascinating about a futuristic world set in an urban, dystopian city where huge corporations and the criminal underworld reign supreme. And on the other spectrum is the controversial cryptocurrency. Enter Seneca 7: A Cyberpunk Odyssey, an ARPG (action roleplaying game) that aims to teach players about the world of cryptocurrency.

Seneca 7 is a cyberpunk reimagining of farm sim games like Farm Simulator, Story of Seasons, Terraria, and Stardew Valley. The third-person game will feature combat, exploration, farming, and resource management. The alien planet is lightyears away from Earth, and settlers will be utilizing cryptocurrency, collecting and trading NFTs, and relying on the Blockchain to handle their daily routines. The game’s story will feature branching stories, different game modes, a class system, pets, companions, etc.

With people out there still wondering what crypto and NFTs are, the game aims to educate via scenarios and concepts of the blockchain in a safe environment. Instead of using the player’s own money, they’ll be using Seneca 7’s in-game currency. The main story will teach players all about the market as they create a wallet, learn the difference between a bear and a bull market, and more. The developers want to help bridge the gap between gamers who want nothing to do with the crypto-space and those already participating in it.

Synopsis: Seneca 7 is an action-packed cyberpunk reimagining of the classic farm sim games. Be who you want and make your new life as a settler – explore the unknown, fight strange creatures, farm the land, craft powerful items or discover ancient ruins all on a newly discovered alien world.

The Steam Early Access Beta is expected to be released later this year.

For more info on Seneca 7: A Cyberpunk Odyssey, visit


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