Five of the best sunrise alarm clocks | Times2 – The Times

We’ve hit the third Monday in January — also known as Blue Monday, supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Browse our edit of the best sunrise alarm clocks to curb any dark feelings, and your remaining dark winter mornings too.

Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relax Breath

£169.99, Philips at
They say: Clinically proven to improve general wellbeing after waking up, 92 per cent of users find it easier to get out of bed in the morning. The Relax Breath light-guided wind-down feature helps you to ease into a deep sleep while the sunset simulation calms the senses.

The Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relax Breath

We say: A pricey lamp may not be on your most recent list of must-haves, but this one should be. I originally scoffed at the idea of using a sunrise and sunset-simulating lamp to wake up and wind down. Now I am a total convert. I have even persuaded my boyfriend to have one on his bedside table so I can continue to reap the benefits when I stay there. I’m a 6am gym goer and I religiously make it each morning because of the clever natural sunrise provided by Philips. The lamp starts waking you with a soft red hue that gradually increases to orange, until your room is illuminated in a bright yellow glow. This stimulates your natural wake-up system while your body is still asleep. It’s much less abrupt than an iPhone alarm, which I would snooze continually. And you can choose between natural sounds or the radio. I like the subtle bird chirping melody that evokes waking up in my hometown in the Yorkshire countryside — far nicer than the rumblings at dawn on bin collection day in Clapham. Not only is it brilliant at getting you up and out in the morning, but it’s also lovely to switch off to in the evenings. The sunset simulation gradually decreases the light slowly over your preferred length of time — I opt for roughly 25 minutes while I read (sounds are optional). Before you know it, you’ll have nodded off. Simply reset the alarm for a lie-in at the weekend. It’s a worthy investment if you have the funds. Hannah Skelley

The Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB

Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB

They say: Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB is an alarm that mimics the light and colour of a real sunrise to wake you up gradually and more effectively. No more jarring alarm sounds or scrolling your phone first thing! Waking with light boosts energy, productivity and mood.

We say: I’ve been considering getting one of these for a while now — and when better to take the plunge than in the dark, miserable depths of January? Plus there’s the whole health kick thing too. So I’ll take any help to get up early in the morning while it’s still dark. I’ve seen the Insta-worthy Lumie products everywhere so was excited to try one out. Despite the …….


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