How is Machine Learning Disrupting Mobile Apps Development – Appinventiv

When we talk about the present, we don’t realize that we are actually talking about yesterday’s future. And one such futuristic technologies to talk about is  Machine learning app development or use of AI in mobile app development services. Your next seven minutes will be spent on learning how Machine Learning technology is disrupting today’s mobile app development industry.

“Signature-based malware detection is dead. Machine learning based Artificial Intelligence is the most potent defence the next-gen adversary and the mutating hash.”
― James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

The time of generic services and simpler technologies is long gone and today we’re living in a highly machine-driven world. Machines which are capable of learning our behaviors and making our daily lives easier than we ever imagined possible.

If we go deeper into this thought, we’ll realize, how sophisticated a technology has to be for learning on its own any behavioral patterns that we subconsciously follow. These are not simple machines, these are more than advanced.

Technological realm today is fast-paced enough to quickly switch between Brands and Apps and technologies if one happens to not fulfill their needs in the first five minutes of them using it. This is also a reflection upon the competition this fast pace has led to. Mobile app development companies simply cannot afford to be left behind in the race of forever evolving technologies.

Today, if we see, there is machine learning incorporated in almost every mobile application we decide to use. For instance, our food delivery app will show us the restaurants which deliver the kind of food we like to order, our on-demand taxi applications show us the real-time location of our rides, time management applications tell us what is the most suitable time for to complete a task and how to prioritize our work. The need of worrying over simple, even complicated things is ceasing to exist because our mobile applications and our smartphone devices are doing that for us.

Looking at the stats, they will show us that

  • AI and Machine Learning-driven apps is a leading category among funded startups
  • Number of businesses investing in ML is expected to double over the next three years
  • 40% of US companies use ML to improve sales and marketing
  • 76% of US companies have exceeded their sales targets because of ML
  • European banks have increased product sales by 10% and lower churn rates by 20% with ML

The idea behind any kind of business is to make profits and that can only be done when they gain new users and retain their old users. It might be a bizarre thought for mobile app developers but it is as true as it can be that Machine learning app development has the potential of turning your simple mobile apps into gold mines. Let us see how:

How Machine Learning Can Be Advantageous For Mobile App Development?

  • Personalisation: Any machine learning algorithm attached to your simpleton mobile application can analyze various sources of information from social media activities to credit ratings and provide recommendations to every user device. Machine …….


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