iOrders: The only eCommerce CRM software you need – The American Genius

The need to understand how our business works is extremely important. It seems relatively easy on the surface – you sell a product or service, someone is interested, so they buy that product or service, simple. But it is so much more than that.

What if I were to ask you where most of your customers are located – would you know? What about if they have purchased from you more than once? Or maybe even what kind of ads are bringing in the most people and from where? Organic traffic? Instagram? What about your financial growth trends?

These are all questions as business owners should know. However, it can all be hard to keep track of, especially if we are using a different system for each thing. Like you don’t already have enough to do in a day, now you have to take out a few hours to monitor your trends and other business analytics in ten different platforms. There is an easier and much more organized solution though.

 iOrders is a newer platform currently in beta and based out of the Woocommerce business. It’s set to manage all your eCommerce efforts and business profitability.

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They boast their application can help with order management, collaboration, deep analytics, ML predictions, profit analysis, and finance cross-metrics, not to mention product and customer management.

That’s a lot all jammed packed into one platform, but their straightforward appearance makes it easy to navigate. At the core of iOrders is actually AI. I know AI has been the talk of the town as of late, but in this instance, it’s there to help you and your business. The data feeds provided are monitored by AI and become more precise over time, taking out some of the leg work for you.

iOrders stated “Data is more important than ever. Robust AI models are exclusive to the biggest companies in the space. Right? Not anymore. We reverse-engineered successful eCommerce systems to make smaller, but more focused AI models accessible to everyone. For more intuitive management & automated data learning.”

Currently, the platform is free to try, so why not give it a shot? If it’s not for you, then you didn’t spend a dime.

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