How to easily share your Wi-Fi password on Android and iOS – The Verge

If you have a guest over to your house for any amount of time, there’s a fair chance they’ll ask you for the Wi-Fi password, which may begin a dreaded dance of you trying to remember what it is or read out a complicated string of numbers, letters, and symbols.

Of course, you could always buy a Wi-Fi password sign or write it on a sticky note that you can quickly point guests to, but that’s not always the most convenient solution; if your password is long or contains hard-to-read symbols (is that an O or a 0?), it can be a pain to get your friends and family connected.

It’s worth noting that if you frequently have people you don’t know very well or large groups over, you should really look into setting up a guest or temporary Wi-Fi network, which many routers will let you do. That route is significantly more secure than handing out your password to anybody that enters your house.

However, for the people that you trust, both Google and Apple have built-in ways to quickly and securely share your Wi-Fi password. Here’s how to use them.

Share your Wi-Fi password on Android

The easiest way to share your password using an Android phone is by generating a QR code that people can scan to automatically join the network. If you have a Pixel or most other Android phones:

  • Go to Settings > Network and Internet > Wi-Fi.
  • Tap on the settings cog next to your network.
  • Tap the Share button and authenticate yourself. A screen should come up with a QR code, the name of the Wi-Fi network, and the password.

When someone points their camera at the QR code, it’ll prompt them to join the network.

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