Best iOS 10 Cydia Tweaks: The Ultimate Collection for iOS 10, 10.1 & 10.2 – Gotta Be Mobile

These are the best jailbreak tweaks and Cydia apps to install on your jailbroken iPhone. After spending hours testing out this collection of iOS 10 Cydia tweaks you can install these now and enjoy a better iPhone.

Most of these already work with iOS 10, iOS 10.1 and iOS 10.2, but it is a very good idea to check this compatibility list before you install any of the iOS 10 Cydia tweaks.

Read: Best iOS 10 Themes

Apple is no longer signing iOS 10.2, so you should stay on whatever version of iOS you are on if you are jailbroken. The iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak works on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The iOS 10.2 jailbreak works on the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4.  iOS 10.2.1 and iOS 10.3 are not jailbreakable using current tools.

The best iOS 10 Cydia tweaks and jailbreak apps for iOS 10.2 through iOS 10.


Whether you are new to jailbreaking or a veteran, you can use these jailbreak tweaks to do more with your iPhone or iPad. This is the essential list of iOS 10 Cydia tweaks and apps that jailbreakers need to try on the iPhone and iPad with iOS 10, iOS 10.1, iOS 10.1.1 and iOS 10.2.

Instead of listing every possible Cydia app that delivers specialty tweaks for individual iPhone apps we focus on the best iOS 10.2 jailbreak apps that will deliver a better experience every day. We’ll skip over Phantom for Snapchat, Savegram for Instagram and others that focus on one app, to highlight other apps you need to know about.

Here is our list of awesome iOS 10 Cydia tweaks for iOS 10 through iOS 10.2. We recommend every jailbreak user check out these tweaks and apps. You can check this list to see if the apps you want are compatible with the iOS 10 jailbreak.

Best iOS 10 Cydia Tweaks


One of the most popular jailbreak tweaks of all time is Activator, and it’s easy to see why. Activator allows you to set up automations as well as shortcuts for all sorts of different actions, like automatically turning on your alarms for the next day and even changing songs using the volume buttons.

This is especially true now that Activator works on iOS 10, so you can combine it with everything that Apple added to iOS 10 and iOS 10.2.


One of the best features of Android is the app drawer, where all of your installed apps appear when you bring it up. Something like this is awesome, since you don’t have to have all of your apps on the home screen, and now the feature is on iOS through Cydia thanks to AppDrawer.

Browser Changer

Do you use a web browser on your iPhone other than Safari? Then it might be nice to actually change iOS’s default browser to your preferred one using Browser Changer. This means that any links from other apps will now open in the web browser of your choice and not just default to Safari.

Bytafont 3

iOS 9 added a new San Francisco font that is still in iOS 10. If you’re not a huge fan of it, you can use Bytafont 3 to change the font to whatever you want. The possibilities are endless here.


Not a big fan of the Recently Deleted folder in the Photos app? While there isn’t an iOS 10 Cydia tweak to get rid of the folder, you can at least bypass it altogether when deleting a photo.

DeleteForever will allow you to permanently delete photos with one swoop, rather than deleting a photo and then having to delete it again from the Recently Deleted folder.

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