CDN: Does Our Need For Internet Speed Put Sensitive Data at Risk? – Data Science Central

Network Architecture of the Internet and Data Exchange

Technology is making us more impatient than ever before.

Research suggests that, for an average user, it takes 16 seconds of a slow website loading to trigger those primal feelings of frustration and occasional fits of rage. Others barely make it to that number.

Next-day shipping, immediate answers to all questions at the palms of our hands, more content than one can consume in a lifetime, and instant gratification have reshaped our generations to the point of no return.

What is happening behind the scenes of increasingly faster websites and applications?

Businesses use CDN technology to cater to audiences that can’t imagine life before lightning-fast loading time or that have gotten used to life without lag.

What is a CDN, how does it prevent lagging websites, does the convenience come at the cost of users’ personal data, and what are some top practices for securing such networks?

We investigate below.

What is a CDN, Exactly?

A content delivery network – or CDN – also referred to as the backbone of the internet, is the technology behind every rapidly loading website and application.

It’s dedicated to removing lag and allowing users to instantly load their chosen content wherever in the world they might be.

How does a CDN function in practice?

A CDN creates shortcuts, reducing the distance the content travels from the website’s hosting server and you. As a result, it allows immediate access to the website even if the original server is on another continent.

If we broke down the anatomy of a CDN, it would consist of:

  • Points of Presence (PoP) — strategically placed data centers that contain cache
  • Caching servers that are placed in various locations all over the globe and store cached files
  • SSD/HDD and RAM inside of caching servers that are used for storage of cache files

Websites that utilize a CDN are well performing and faster because their users don’t have to wait for it to travel from the original host’s geographical area back to you. Instead, it reaches cached versions of content stored in a local PoP.

Buffering Was Never an Option

Primarily, CDNs have been designed to speed up the loading time and remove latency.

For online businesses, this is relevant as they enable remote employees to connect to the network without anything disrupting their workflow. They also allow users to enjoy multiple content platforms and impulsive purchases without interruptions.

Lagging websites affect the sales of eCommerce sites whose customers quickly leave their shopping carts. Additionally, the lag would also impact the performance metrics of blogs whose audience would bounce before reading the article’s hook.

As for video content, patience levels are even lower.

The study suggests that users will not wait for longer than five seconds before they bounce (leave) buffering content and find another video to enjoy.

Can a CDN Compromise Sensitive Data?

Yes. In 2017, it was reported that the CDN provided by Cloudflare featured a bug in the source code that led to the possible leak of users’ sensitive data. Anyone who noticed this mistake could get to the otherwise encrypted personal information.

Those users have been advised to update their passwords.

In 2021, another flaw was …….


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